We don’t hold our events at the sanctuary, where sadly we simply don’t have the room. Instead, we hold our events in other venues so we accommodate a wider audience. Our current venue is Armthorpe Community Centre, and in the past we have used Danum Academy, Bentley Pavilion, Hatfield Woodhouse Village Hall and Balby Carr Sports Academy.
Cavy Corner Fun Shows
Our fun shows are absolutely not about perfection or meeting a prescribed set of standards as every small and furry creature is special in its own right. As a volunteer-run rescue we know ALL animals are beautiful, whether “perfect” or not and this is an ideal opportunity to prove this. It’s about showing off your pets, having fun and meeting other animal lovers!
What to expect
There is a show for your small and furry pets including categories such as Rescue Pet of the Year and VIP Veteran for elderly or disabled pets, along with Fastest Eater and Cutest Couple, to name just a few.
At one of our fun days you will have a relaxing afternoon meeting like minded people and their beautiful guinea pigs or other small pets. You will receive free tips and advice on how to care for your guinea pigs from Cavy Corner and other knowledgeable attendees. We provide refreshments and you will be able to buy products for your small and furry pets. We look forward to seeing you at one of our fun days soon!

In order to ensure the comfort and safety of the pets that attend, animal welfare is of paramount importance and it is important that all pets attending, along with the Cavy Corner Guineas are safe and comfortable throughout. Ultimately it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that they are safe and secure at all times, have sufficient access to hay, fresh water and food, but we also have appointed Cavy Corner Guinea Monitors whose role it is to ensure this happens.
Fundraising is essential for any rescue and every opportunity is taken during the show to raise much needed funds on entries for the show classes, tombola, raffle, drinks and home-made buns, as well as the sale of gift items and hand crafted goods which are usually made by our talented volunteers. It is also a brilliant opportunity for us to raise awareness, share what we do and recruit new volunteers!
Features vary at each show but in the past have included a Pet Weigh Station where piggies could be weighed and given a record card – to encourage the regular weighing to spot changes early, practical demonstrations such as nail-clipping and syringe feeding.
There are usually two public shows a year – one in spring (March) and one in winter (October/November). On these days our volunteers are so busy working at the various activities that they often struggle to take part. They want to show off their cherished pets too, many of whom are rescued, so we also hold a private volunteer pet show so that they can participate in a show too!
Click here to find out more about our next fun show!
Who comes to the shows?
All are welcome with or without their small furry pets meaning that potential new pet owners can come along to seek out information in advance, and those travelling long distances can enjoy the day without their guineas travelling too.
Skinny pigs, rabbits, guineas, hamsters, gerbils, mice, pygmy hedgehogs and even rats can come along to take part. It is clear that many of the entrants enjoy the day as much as their owners. We believe that owners know their pets best, and it is up to them to ensure the comfort of each animal. For example, we have a few resident guineas who don’t go out because they might become stressed, but many really do relish the day out. Unfortunately larger, furry pets including cats and dogs are not allowed.

Our human visitors include:
- Families who have adopted guineas that come along with them. It is a great opportunity for the volunteers to see them again
- Local animal lovers
- Those new to Cavy Corner
- People who follow the active Facebook page and are regular supporters of Cavy Corner. Some travel great distances from the North, South and West such as guinea lovers Barrie, Fiona and their children who travelled around 260 miles all the way from Glasgow just for the November 2014 event
- Readers of Guinea Pig magazine like Sharon and James who read about Cavy Corner and then kindly contacted us to make a donation and came along to support the event
- Those who know nothing about Cavy Corner! Cavy Corner is passionate about what we do and takes every opportunity to educate and inform. Some new visitors to the event are unaware of the rescue when they come along and are surprised to learn that there ARE guinea pig rescues!