Sue is the Chairperson and one of the founders of Cavy Corner and has been made a lifetime trustee. She runs Cavy Corner on a daily basis which involves making sure that the piggies receive 5-star treatment, coordinating the volunteers, organising fundraising, administration, responding to helpline queries and pretty much anything else you can think of!
The law states that these are the people that have ‘general control and management of the administration of a charity’ (Charities Act 1993, section 97). Basically this means that they make sure that Cavy Corner runs in a legal and ethical way in accordance with its constitution, govern the charity and take decisions.


Winston was a founder of Cavy Corner and a resident Guinea Pig expert! He made sure that the piggies received the best treatment and was trained in small animal care.

Judy is Treasurer. She does the charity’s accounting and makes sure that all fundraising and donations are recorded as well as all the outgoing costs on veterinary treatment, hay, food, salad, etc.

Rebecca is Cavy Corner’s secretary. Her role is to make contact with companies and organisations that can support Cavy Corner, do the administration for fundraisers and she also provides website content to ensure that all the information is up to date.

Chris enjoys writing thank you letters and doing other nice things for our supporters.



Key Volunteers

Alex is the Cavy Corner IT Guru. He is a long-distance volunteer who supports the technological infrastructure of Cavy Corner, including the creation, hosting, and maintenance of this website!
The fabulous drawn artwork in our Trustee images was created by talented artist Tracey Humphreys. Tracey’s love for animals and guinea pigs in particular radiates through into all her wonderful creations. You can find more of Tracey’s beautiful work here: